Ambitious- I am ambitious. No doubt about it, and sometimes a bit TOO ambitious. I can see things that I want to do in my mind and then I jump in, both feet, and go for it. Many times as my husband gently reminds me… “I get too many irons in the fire.”
Adamant- I can be quite adamant about my views. I realize I am not always right… but when I know I am right, I am passionate about that view.
Ardent- I suppose ardent and adamant go hand in hand. I am intensely devoted to my family. I love to work and serve them each day.
Atypical- To many, I imagine, I am atypical. I seem to run against the grain in lots of areas. I don’t want to be afraid of becoming who God has made me to be.
Approachable- I find that I am approachable. I have made many friends because of it… and that is a blessing!
Feel Free to join in the Alphabet in August with me and many others over at Chiot’s Run!
Mornin' Dear Chas, Looks like your doing well and Happy Anniversary. Haven't been by in awhile, had a health scare(better now) and our farmers markets are up and running. Our whole family sells for a local farmer, we love it.
Loved the rock story.
I would add to your alphabet, A for Adorable, you are sooo sweet, giving and always bring a smile. 😉
Will stop by again soon. Sending you a smile and a hug. God Bless you, By His Grace, Cynthia