I feel like I have just been absent from my little blog home. I’m sorry for those of you who actually still follow or read here. *for that, thank you!*
I have been thinking of new crafts for posting. Some fun, easy things you can do with your children for some sweet, special moments.
I will do my best to take some pictures and post some tutorials soon. I may even post some older tutes in case you are new here.
All is going well around here, just chugging along. Schooling, caring for the animals, cooking, homemaking and all that good stuff.
As you can tell by the picture above, our Christmasy things are making an appearance around our home. We decorate a bit earlier than some, just because it makes things easier as the season rolls along and we just enjoy looking at the pretties a bit longer than those few short weeks after Thanksgiving.
I hope you are all doing well…
May God bless you, each and every one!
I love your blog!!!!!