I adore the quote…
Life is not about waiting on the storm to pass…
But instead, learn to dance in the rain.
Lately, this has been something very present in my mind.
Like I have told you before, Shannon lost his job over 2 weeks ago. Still no direction on a job, no job offers even. We are continuing to pray.
Labor Day weekend around here brings a long 50+ mile yard sale. The sale begins Thursday and ends on Labor Day Monday.
I set up last year and this year did the same.
My sister set up with me this year, I don’t know that I could ever go it alone again… it was so nice having her company each day! 🙂
On Friday, we were set up and everything was going along nicely when we received a call. My Mom’s husband Alan fell from a 2 story house that he was building (he is a carpenter) and was being rushed to the hospital.
We were not given ANY information other than that.
It was awful.
I just began to pray and call to see what I could find out.
A few moments later the phone rang again and we were told that he would have to go to a different hospital for trauma.
The horror that swept through us was unimaginable.
We had so many things set up at the yard sale, it was very busy and there was no way it could be operated by one person.
Finally… many hours later we find out that he has a broken shoulder, a broken forearm, 2 broken vertebra, all his ribs were broken on his left side, and there was a pocket of air that was trapped between his lung and his chest on his left side.
Alan has had several back surgeries in the past and this was terrifying.
It could have been SO much worse. He fell head first landing on his head and left shoulder.
He could have been paralyzed.
He could have had brain damage.
He could have died.
But Praise be to God that he was spared.
I’m not making light of the injuries that he has endured. They are serious and he has a LONG recovery ahead…. but I am so thankful that it wasn’t any worse.
I would very much appreciate your prayers for him.
All that being said, I felt guilty of posting… I felt like I couldn’t share all the happy, happy, joy, joy posts that so many enjoy reading.
This afternoon we had a glorious rain shower. It was only an hour or so before we had to leave for church.
*I* would NEVER allow my children to go play in the rain when they just had their bath, it was only an hour till AWANA… I would have to do more laundry.
but… they knew Daddy was the one to ask…
And he did let them play in the rain.
I felt terrible.
Why am I not more fun?
So, instead of being so caught up in work and hurry.
I walked out on the porch, sat down with my camera and enjoyed the beauty of my children dancing in the rain.
I got to catch these sweet little glimpses….
A big sister’s encouragement
A tender moment between sisters.
So… what all does this have to do with each other?
Sometimes I get wrapped up with ‘doing’….
More often I need to be busy just
Not waiting on the storm to pass, but seeing what joy lies during the storm.
What beauty is waiting to be seen.
What lessons can be learned.
And how to dance in the rain, too.
Love to you my friends.
Absolutely beautiful post. Thank you for being so encouraging. I love coming here to read. I will be praying for Alan.
What a great post. We do need to stop and look for the joy in the midst of the storm. Thanks for the reminder!
Lisa :O)
Our prayers are going out for your family. Please keep us posted on all fronts.
And never feel badly for sharing the rough patches as well as the smooth. If your blog, which is supposed to be about your life, was only happy times, we'd all think we were doing something wrong! Seeing you celebrate God and reaching out during the rough times inspires us all to keep trucking along
Now, go dance in that rain!
Chas, I will be praying. Isabella (HSB)
This is a beautiful post about real life and a good God…thanks for writing and sharing. We will continue for leading on the job front and for Alan. This too is a favorite quote of mine, I have it on my mantle to look at every day. Thanks for blessing by sharing in the tough times too. You are a blessing.
Sherry in Delaware
I will be praying!
And thank you for an encouraging post.
HUGS to you~
Jill (the big sister)